Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Summary of the Al Gore Presentation

Albert Arnold "Al" Gore was the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States. He wants to show to the people the dangers of the change in the environment and how it is affecting our plant. He wants also to tell us that we are responsible of the changes and the main reason for that is our recklessness about the environment. We are cutting the trees around the world and build new building, we are also built a lot of industry and transfer the oil under the sea which is polluted the environment. These things are raising the temperature on the plant to cause melting the glaciers around the world this may cause some islands to sink in the future. 40% of the people get their drinking from the Himalayas Mountains and if the ice melts there it will be a series problem. We can see from the graphs that when the CO2 increase the temperature is increases also. Al Gore explains the polar ice cap melting and how it is effecting on the polar bears. He said when the temperature rises in the ocean the ice becomes weak and can not carry the bears. They will not find place to rest and that will be deadly for the bears. Al Gore is warning that a new disaster is coming and we will face huge impacts. The film was really great and effecting; because he shows the effects of the climate change and show us the evidence by photograph.

1 comment:

Saleh174blogproject said...

Hi, mr.omar my name is saleh abdulah your subject about Al Gore presentation was nice and you selected a good pictures. However it is too hot to touch.
