Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Conflict Diamond power point

To view my power point on conflict diamonds

- First, click the link below

- Next, on the new page click Dowmload file

It may takr a few seconds for the page to set it self up

Monday, April 21, 2008


Lebanon is a great country; it is the land of milk and honey as written in the bible. Beirut is the capital of the Lebanon which was they called it Paris of the East. Famous people have come from there like Shakira the famous singer who is half Lebanese. It is surrounding by five countries Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Palestine and Cyprus.
Between 1943 and 1948 the tensions increased between Muslims and Christians because when the Lebanon gained independence from France, Christians held balance of power and Muslims had little say in the running of their country. The tensions boiled over in 1975 when a group of Christians attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinians in downtown Beirut. The results of that tension were revenge killings that followed and violence began to spiral out of country. In 1982, the Israeli army invaded the city with the aim of removing the Palestinian Liberation Organization. In 1982, the peace deal was reached but the human and economic of costs of the conflict is 300000 wounded and 150000 to 200000 killed and quarter of the population left the country.

After the civil war finish, there was a social and economic recovery in Beirut like the building of highways to carry high-speed traffic. Building cranes are everywhere, and US-style shopping malls have sprouted up across the city. Some current problems in the country are too much money being made in the hand of a few and unemployment remains very high.

"Eye on Labanon." Global Eye. 25 Spring 2006. Royal Geographic Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

introduction in the Global warming

Global Warming

Global Warming is the most dangerous disaster in the earth. It is an increase of the earth's temperature by a few degrees resulting in an increase in the volume of water which contributes to sea-level rise. The idea of the global warming it just like a green houses in the farms. The heat which is coming from the sun increases daily because of the pollution. Manufactures and oil refinery cause this pollution.

There maybe several consequence of the global warming. It is a big problem for the earth because when the temperature increase the ice will dissolve and that’s mean some island will sink in the future like Britain. Another problem is that disasters will increase like tsunami, tornados, earth quakes and volcano. A lot of the marine life will die.