Monday, May 5, 2003

My opinion about Al Gore presentation

The name of the film is an Inconvenient Truth by the lecturer Albert Arnold "Al" Gore. It was a great film and I strongly agree with him. I found the most important point which compelling me when he said that we know smoking cause cancer and we still smoking it. It is the same as global worming we know it effected in the plant and our industry still pollute the earth. Al Gore’s comments were great and there isn’t any point which I disagree with him. The music was very nice and the images were explained what he was telling. On a scale of 1 to 10 I gave him full mark because what he said was very important and the way of his presentation was fantastic. Finally I want to say for everybody to take this subject very seriously and to learn more about it also to tell the people who doesn’t know about it because it is our future.
-It may take a few seconds.